Meet our team past and present, as well as research fellows working with our group.
Find out what excites us both inside and outside the lab.
This page is a work in progress and continually updated as our team grows.

Dr. Rob Barker
Principal Investigator
Rob has been a Lecturer in Chemistry & Forensics Science in the School of Physical Sciences at the University of Kent since June 2017. Previously he spent 18 months lecturing in Physics at the University of Dundee and before that, 5 years working as an Instrument Scientist and Researcher based in Grenoble, France at the Institut Laue-Langevin. He trained as a Chemist (MChem & PhD) at the University of Bath with time spent in industry, developing the Tassimo with Kraft Foods.
Rob has a passion for travel, coffee, photography and wine or any combination of these he can find.

Juan Francisco Gonzalez
NordForsk Fellow
Neutron Scattering of Confined & Sheared Thin Soft Films
Dr. Javier Sotres - Malmö University, Sweden
Dr. Philipp Gutfreund - Institut Laue-Langevin, France
Dr. Becky Welbourn - ISIS, STFC, U.K.
Dr. Andrew Jackson - ESS, Sweden
Prof. Robert Richardson - University of Bristol
Dr. Stuart Prescott - UNSW Sydney, Australia

Hannah Boyd
PhD Student
Scattering in Confined & Sheared Geometries
Dr. Javier Sotres - Malmö University, Sweden
Dr. Philipp Gutfreund - Institut Laue-Langevin, France
Dr. Becky Welbourn - ISIS, STFC, U.K.
Dr. Andrew Jackson - ESS, Sweden
Prof. Robert Richardson - University of Bristol
Dr. Stuart Prescott - UNSW Sydney, Australia

Chloe Skingle
PhD Student
Towards Sustainable Nano-Composite Materials
Starting Autumn 2018

Erin Fuller
MSc Project Student
Microfluidic Devices for Viral Separation: Understanding Surface Interactions of Ultra-Thin Polymer Films
Dr. Timm Krüger - University of Edinburgh, U.K.
Dr. Richard Orton - University of Glasgow, U.K.

George Tushingham
Summer Project Student
Identification and Characterisation: Enabling Microfluidic Separation of Circulating Tumour Cells
Starting June 2018

Dr. Clélia Martin
PhD Student
Hybrid Cellulose Nanocrystals / Gibbsite Nanoplatelets Thin Multilayered Films: Relationship Between Architecture & Mechanical Properties
Dr. Bruno Jean - CERMAV, France
Dr. Laurent Heux - CERMAV, France
Dr. Erik Watkins - Los Alamos National Laboratory, U.S.A.

Nicolas Bertram
MRes Student
Seizing Membrane Proteins - Nanodisc Characterisation & Application
Dr. Marité Cardenas - University of Copenhagen, Denmark

Jonas Igel
MSci Project Student
Characterisation of Biological Thin Films Under Applied Electric Fields Using Scattering & Surface Acoustic Waves

Garry Stewart
Summer Project Student
Understanding the Molecular Basis of Antimicrobial Activity: Bridging the Gap Between Biology & Physics

Mark Donnachie
Summer Project Student
Hyperspectral Imaging Vehicle-based Epidemiology: Improving Early Warning Systems for Infectious Disease Outbreaks
Dr. Lisa Boden - University of Edinburgh, U.K.
Dr. Pablo Casaseca - UWS, U.K.